
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Water Fasting Starting Tomorrow

I have been so reluctant to go on a fast for a while now. Each time i told myself i was gonna do it, i ended up not doing it. I was supposed to start my 7 day fast on Monday but i still havent started.

Today, i got a call from somebody who wants me to do some work for them (i'm a plus-size model) and i'm kicking myself in the ass cuz i'm just not in the best shape right now. I might lose this job, all because i've been procastinating!

So, i've decided to start tomorrow without fail. I'm going this route because i desperately need to lose a few inches, especially around my waist, for this job that i just got. I know i can't do it by myself right now so i need you guys to push me and support me. If i can make it through day 1, i know i'll be good enough to continue.

I'm gonna ask you guys to push me real hard. Inbox me, comment, do whatever. I'm gonna put my number here. Those that can Whatsapp me, do that. I badly need to do this guys.

Number is +263 775 067654.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Fit Mondays

I've decided to have what i'll call: Fit Mondays.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

29 Days Left...

...and i still havent started exercising or eating healthy. Went out last night and i ended up drinking. Got so drunk that i slept in the car and still had the urge to eat. Ordered fried chicken with fries. Despite the fact that i had too much alcohol, i don't even have a hangover (cool, right!?).

Friday, May 03, 2013

31 Days, 10kg

I'm celebrating my birthday on the 3rd of June, that's a month from today, and one thing that i know is, i don't want to celabrate it at the size and weight that i am today! <--!more-->I must, i need and i will lose a lot of weight before my birthday. I've slated it at about 10kg, leaving me at around 83kg. I don't know how i'm going to achieve that, but i know i will. It means i have to lose an average of 2,5kg per week. If i can do that, and manage to maintain that for the whole month, then i'll be a winner. But we all know it's easier said than done! I'm going to do everything within my power to make it happen. After all, it is MY body. I don't need a miracle, i just need to work hard, taking it one step at a time.