
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cake, Cake, Cake and more Cake!

So my sister enrolled at a cooking school two weeks ago and right now they are still being taught how to bake cake.

She has been making a lot of mistakes and all those cakes that don't come out perfect, we are eating. I've been having coffee and cake everyday for the past week or so. Before this, i was never a fan of cake (still not!?) mainly because i don't like sweet foods. But these sponge cakes, ummm i like **now**! I don't know what that much cake is doing to my body, i hope it's not a bad thing lol. It's about 9am and i've already had my slice and a hot cup of coffee (bad, bad!), just can't resist.


  1. Stop it! Cake in moderation tiite zve weight loss pano! Lol... Not so stern just need to learn control

  2. Lol Robin. As i read your comment, i see myself in primary school with my head-mistress giving me a stern warning, stick in hand..:D

    The ones she brought back yesterday have icing on them so i'm not going to eat because i don't like it. I might stay away for good if she keeps icing the cakes lol.

    On a more serious note, i really want to lose all this weight. I'm thinking 10kg in 2months (so help me, Lord!) so i need all the motivation i can get..


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