
Monday, November 12, 2012

General Motors Weight Loss Diet

So my sister introduced me the this diet termed General Motors Weight Loss Diet and i thought i'd have a shot at it.

First day, you consume all fruits except bananas. Second day you have a large boiled potato for breakfast and then all vegetables you want, taking note to avoid oil or coconut. Third day you eat a mixture of vegetables and fruits but still no bananas and no potatoes. Day four you have 8 bananas and 3 glasses of milk, plus you can also have a bowl of vegetable soup if you so wish. On day 5 you will have one cup of rice, six whole tomatoes and 12 glasses of water. On the sixth day, you will take 1 cup of rice and all vegetables, cooked or raw. On the last day, you consume 1 cup of rice, fruit juice and vegetables. In summary, this is all.

They say you can lose anything between 2kg-8kg in a week on this diet. You can also repeat this diet anytime you want, although you must allow your body at least 3 days to let your body rest before starting again.

This diet is supposed to clean your digestive system and remove toxic substances.

I`m on day 1 of this and i've had 1 and a half apples, an orange and avocado. I' also managed to drink a litre of water. I was way too busy today so i didn't have any trouble getting by, and surprisingly i'm so full from the avocado. I hope i can make it through to day 7 **fingures crossed**!


  1. Avoid avocado, nuts and alcohol in weight loss diet. Cucumber water diet is the best diet for weight loss.
    Weight Loss Diets 

  2. Thank you so much Gene. I did notice that avocado made me so full, butternut as well. I guess i must avoid that too. Thanx once again for the advice.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have personally experienced weight loss and have been able to maintain my weight after a fruits and vegetable diet. I do think that the diet helps to increase your metabolism because even after the diet, when you get back to normal eating, weight-gain is minimal..

  4. The use of fruits and vegetables for the weight loss is a good idea.
    Fruits and vegetables diet control the fat and cholesterol level more effectively and fight against the obesity and weight gain.

    Maitland Fitness


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